Katika kuhakikisha rasilimali misitu inakuwa endelevu Shirika la Kuhifadhi Misitu ya Asili Tanzania (TFCG), Mtandao wa Jamii Usimamizi wa Misitu Tanzania (MJUMITA) na Shirika la Mpingo na Maendeleo (MCDI) wametoa maombi saba kwa Bunge. Soma zaidi kupitia linki hii https://francisdande.blogspot.com/2021/06/tfcg-mjumita-mcdi-watoa-maombi-7-bungeni.html
Experience and lessons learned by MJUMITA networks members and other stakeholders living adjacent to forests indicates the way they exercise their rights and responsibilities in implementing Community based forest management and sustainable forest-based enterprises. This has been drawn from a case study from CoForEST project implemented by Tanzania Forest Conservation Group (TFCG) and Tanzania Community […]