In October 2020, the Forest and Farm Facility (FFF) was launched in Tanzania aiming to strengthening the collaboration of key stakeholders in Tanzania for Climate Resilient Landscapes and Improved Livelihoods, enabling the Forest and Farm Producer Organizations (FFPOs) as active agents of change. The meeting was attended by key stakeholders and representatives of farm and forest producer organizations.

Through the funding from FAO, MJUMITA is one if the implementer of the FFF project entitled “Development of the enabling policy and legal frameworks for FFPO members to access markets and finance, increased landscape mitigation and adaptation to climate change” with its focus on its FFPOs and aiming at achieving several project outputs by deploying the related activities as follows:

A clear advocacy strategy with clear agendas representing members’ interest developed through conducting baseline assessment; facilitate development of advocacy strategy with clear advocacy agendas for specific policy processes; strengthen the capacity of  FFPOs to effectively advocate for policies and laws that are favorable to them; in collaboration with WE-EFFECT, MJUMITA will organize and attend the training on strengthening apex FFPOs organizational management for sustainable development; undertake advocacy campaigns at village, district and national level for inclusion of the forest and farm producers in forest policy formulation and implementation; strengthen FFPOs to manage their organizations effectively; empower women within FFPOs to advocate for gender equity; in collaboration with Tanzania Forest Research Institute (TAFORI), organize and attend the training on the development of the FFPOs policy tools development; and elect FFPOs and facilitate for the project proposal and LoA development.

Cross-sectoral, multi-stakeholder policy processes strengthened with better representation from forest and farm producers through training of MJUMITA Network members on cross-sectoral multi-stakeholder policy processes; facilitate the FFPs to participate in cross sectoral multi stakeholder platforms at districts and national level; in collaboration with IUCN, organize and attend the training on multi -stakeholder policy process; select FFPOs and facilitate for the project proposal and LoA development.

JUMITA has the technical skills and capacity to deliver targeted business skills and services to her members through conduct baseline assessment; in collaboration with IIED, organize and attend training on market analysis and development (MA&D); facilitate training of trainers on enterprise development, access to markets, finance and forest value chain; prepare training manual on entrepreneurship, marketing and finance for FFPOs and its members; undertake training of FFPOs on governance, group management, entrepreneurship, access to markets and financial management; support establishment/strengthening of business incubation services within FFPOs; select FFPOs and facilitate for the project proposal and LoA development.

MJUMITA FFPOs have improved access to business, marketing and financial services for improve livelihoods through facilitating market linkages for forest and farm smallholder producers to reliable markets and financial institutions; facilitate FFPOs to access market information on timely manner for improved business; support the FFPs to participate in national events such as trade fair and 77, 88; and undertake gender-based value chain analysis and development.

MJUMITAs contribution in climate and landscape level programs has increased the outreach of these programs through conducting baseline assessment; in collaboration with Agricord, organize and attend training on climate resilience; in collaboration with IUCN, organize and attend training on forest restoration; climate mitigation and adaptation; support the establishment of tree nurseries in FFPs homesteads and other communal areas; facilitate study tours/exchange events for FFPs to learn from others on climate change, sustainable production and potential markets for their products; and develop and distribute communication materials on climate change and forest and farm producers.

MJUMITA FFPOs have mainstreamed climate change into their plans and operation through facilitating FFPOs to conduct climate change risk assessment for better planning; facilitate the FFPOs to revise their plans or develop climate resilient plans and strategies; select FFPOs and facilitate for the project proposal and LoA development.

FFPOs have in place social, cultural and communication systems to provide social, communication and cultural services (targeting women, youth and other vulnerable members) through conducting baseline assessment of social and cultural services; facilitate events to increase understanding of the role of FFPOs in social and cultural services to strengthen ownership and cohesion; promote role of FFPOs in social and cultural services to strengthen ownership and cohesion; in collaboration with FFF team; organize and attend training on cultural and social systems- linked to the SDGs; facilitate the documentation of FFPOs traditional/indigenous knowledge used in production; facilitate the FFPOs to document and preserve the traditional/indigenous varieties of crops and tree species for future use; promoting the conservation/maintenance of culturally and spiritually areas; facilitate provision of Community Health Fund to women, youth and marginalized people in the community; and facilitate FFPOs to establish Village Savings and Loan Associations (VSLA) for members to access loans/finance.

FFPOs links its social and cultural development agenda to national SDG process and other governmental development processes through facilitating study on the importance of social and cultural services for women economic empowerment; facilitate needs assessment on social, communication and cultural services in selected sites; facilitate training to FFPOs on SDG and its link to social and cultural services; development of communication and awareness raising materials; awareness raising to FFPOs members especially women and other marginalized groups to access government and other social and cultural services scheme; and select FFPOs and facilitate for the project proposal and LoA development.


Client: FAO
Location: Morogoro, Tanzania



Old Bagamoyo Road, Plot No. 323, Msasani Village P.O. Box 21522, Dar es Salaam, Tanzania

+255 784 416 063

P.O. Box 21522, Dar es Salaam

Mon - Sat: 9:00 - 18:00