Climate Change, Agriculture and Poverty Alleviation

The goal of the climate change, agriculture and poverty alleviation project (CCAP) is that poverty has been reduced amongst small-scale farmers in Tanzania and greenhouse gas emissions from agriculture have been reduced through the widespread adoption of climate resilient, low emission agricultural practices.

The project will achieve this by advocating for Tanzania to develop and implement policies and strategies that prioritise support to small-scale farmers to enable them to improve their livelihoods through the adoption of climate smart agriculture and sustainable land and natural resources management.

The project is a partnership between ActionAid Tanzania, the Tanzanian Community Forestry Network (MJUMITA), the Tanzanian Farmers Network (MVIWATA), the Tanzania Forest Conservation Group and the Tanzania Organic Agriculture Movement (TOAM).

The project is a 27 month project that began in October 2012.

Site-based activities are being implemented in Kilosa and Chamwino Districts in Central Tanzania.

The project is financed by DfID through the Accountability in Tanzania Programme.

Reports and publications
CCAP 2014. Recommendations for elected representatives on bringing about change in government support for climate smart small-scale agriculture and REDD+.


Client: DfID through the Accountability in Tanzania Programme
Location: Kilosa and Chamwino Districts in Central Tanzania
Completed: Started October 2012



Old Bagamoyo Road, Plot No. 323, Msasani Village P.O. Box 21522, Dar es Salaam, Tanzania

+255 784 416 063

P.O. Box 21522, Dar es Salaam

Mon - Sat: 9:00 - 18:00